Everyone falls off sometimes....for the last 2 months....I haven't really been watching what I eat or even working out much. I mean I totally watch what I have been eating....watching it go from the plate to my mouth....
I have truly realized that I am an emotional eater...which really sucks...GIRLS are emotional...LOL but as long as I can control it i think i will be ok lol!
This past 2 months have seriously been dramatic....with emotion and changes in my life.
Friends passing away...getting a boyfriend....abnormal paps w/pre cancerous cells (TIMI?)...pregnancy scares....(< SCARY SHIT)....friends leaving....i dunno....i feel as if my world has turned upside down....
I really miss writing in this blog...but I cannot ever make any promises...i am really busy...lol!
Here is a updated picture for yous all. Enjoy!
Thanks for reading!